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Package com.mingweisamuel.zyra

Contains core elements of the Zyra library, such as RiotApi and all of the endpoint sets.

com.mingweisamuel.zyra.util Contains general utilities used internally.
com.mingweisamuel.zyra.enums Contains general static classes and enums useful for interacting with the Riot API.

The remaining sub-packages contain generated DTO classes returned by their respective endpoint set.

See: Description

Package com.mingweisamuel.zyra Description

Contains core elements of the Zyra library, such as RiotApi and all of the endpoint sets.

com.mingweisamuel.zyra.util Contains general utilities used internally.
com.mingweisamuel.zyra.enums Contains general static classes and enums useful for interacting with the Riot API.

The remaining sub-packages contain generated DTO classes returned by their respective endpoint set. For example, methods in MatchV4Endpoints will return classes from the package com.mingweisamuel.zyra.matchV4.

The API was last automatically generated from the Unofficial Riot API OpenAPI Spec on Thu Jun 13 19:51:50 PDT 2019.
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